A COPR repo for Xfce 4.12 is now ready for Fedora 21 and 20. The link to the COPR repo is https://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/nonamedotc/xfce412/ If you are one of those using dnf on Fedora 21, the repo can be enabled using dnf copr enable nonamedotc/xfce412 Alternatively, visit the link above and download the .repo file and add it to /etc/yum.repos.d . New package : xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin is a new panel plugin that is available in this repo. Important: If you have my xfce411 COPR repo enabled, disable it. That repo will go away very soon. xfce4-mixer in xfce411 COPR repo is version 4.11 whereas one in xfce412 repo is xfce4-mixer-4.10.x. This might need uninstalling the 4.11 version followed by installing the older version from 412 repo. Please report all bug reports related to packages in this COPR repo directly to me. Please do NOT bugzilla for these packages. Alternatively, use Fedoraforums (this link) - http://for...