
Showing posts from January, 2017

spyder 3 for Fedora

Spyder 3 was released sometime back and the latest version 3.1.0 was released yesterday. I have working on updating Spyder to 3.x for sometime now. Towards this effort, I got the following packages reviewed and included in Fedora -  python-QtPy python-QtAwesome python-flit python-entrypoints python-nbconvert python-entrypoints python-pickleshare In addition to this, the package python-ipykernel had to be reviewed. This was completed sometime towards the end of last year. Now that all the packages are available (in different forms), I have put together a COPR repo where spyder 3.1.0 package resides. I would like to get these packages tested before I submit it as a big update to Fedora 25. COPR repo is here - nonamedotc/spyder3 - COPR repo Of course, this repo can be directly enabled from a terminal - dnf copr enable nonamedotc/spyder3 To install spyder along with ipython console from this repo, do dnf install python{2,3}-{spyder,ipython} ...